2024 Meetings and News
Previous (2023) / 2024 / Next (2025) when available
See what’s next – Visit the current/upcoming meetings page.
See the 2024 Show & Tell page for more item photos and descriptions.
See the downloadable programs page for PDF files of talks when available.
The club decided to continue meeting at Suntree Village for the entire year, not taking a summer break. Most meetings were well-attended! A couple of meetings were postponed a week or two due to weather (January) or travel to other events (March). Otherwise, the 2nd Tuesday remains the scheduled date.
The December 10, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village was the annual Christmas/holiday potluck, with the club supplying the ham, and club members bringing side dishes and desserts. Everything was excellent! There were several nice raffle prizes including silver rounds donated by the coin shop, and there were a few good auction items. In addition, Eric briefly presented the show & tell PDF files for 2010-2014 and 2015-2019 (available on this website) and the program he’ll be giving at the Deschutes Public Library in January.

The November 12, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village included show-and-tell (with photography available), the usual raffle and auction, and a special small consignment of items including the 1991 1/10-ounce U.S. Gold Eagle shown above. The meeting was again well-attended.
The October 8, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village included a report on the PNNA fall coin show, as well as Eric’s interesting trip to Park City, Utah. The meeting was well-attended, with 20 members and guests.

The September 10, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village included an expanded show-and-tell (with photography available), an expanded (and busy!) auction, and the usual raffle. The 1871 California Gold (privately issued) 1/4 Dollar piece (above) was one of the items shown by a club member. Yes, it’s a real one!
The August 13, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village included refreshments, a raffle, and a program on “Olympic Participation Medals of the Summer Games” given by Eric, who will check to see if there were any participation medals from the just-completed Paris Olympics, and then post the program online.
The July 9, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village included a raffle and auction, a summer potluck dinner with excellent food, and a very interesting and informative ANA Summer Seminar report from Mat.
The June 11, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village was informal, and included a brief quiz based on content in the Redbook (Guidebook of U.S. Coins). There was a show-and-tell, raffle and auction as usual.

The May 14, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village included show-and-tell, raffle and auction. There was a camera and light available to take photos like the ones you see on the homepage! The 1909-VDB cent (above) was one of the items shown by a club member. Eric included about a dozen special books, all but two numismatic, in the auction at reduced prices.
The April 16, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village (delayed one week) included ANA and PNNA show reports, as well as a report on a trip to Texas to view the total solar eclipse.

The March 12, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village offered photography of show-and-tell items, along with some raffle and auction items. Two 2020-W American Samoa quarters (National Parks series), with “V75” privy mark on the reverse,
commemorating the victory by Allied forces in World War II, were donated for auction, and both sold for $20 or more.

The February 13, 2024, club meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured an expanded auction, which was quite successful! Thanks to everyone who participated. Mat also described the short snorter shown above, which came into the coin shop. See more photos of this item on the show & tell page.

The January 23, 2024, postponed club meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured an illustrated talk about Morgan Dollars, including show-and-tell photos (such as the photo above) and more, by Eric H.
Return to completed meetings page.