2023 Meetings and News

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The club continued meeting at Suntree Village for the entire year, deciding not to take a summer break. Most meetings were well-attended!

See the 2023 Show & Tell page for more item photos and descriptions.
See the downloadable programs page for PDF files of talks when available.

The December 12, 2023, club meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured our annual holiday party. Thanks to Sterling, and everyone else who brought food. The top raffle prize was an NGC MS63 1884-O Morgan Silver Dollar, as shown below in October, and purchased at that time by the club. Our meetings for the year are now complete!

The November 14, 2023, coin club regular meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured Walter presenting his collection of Doubled Die and RPM Roosevelt Dimes (and a few other related coins). Photos are available on the show & tell page, including the 1953-S Roosevelt Dime shown here, with obvious repunched mintmark (on the enlarged version).

The October 10, 2023, coin club regular meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured photography of member items, including a couple of special auction items. Photos are available on the show & tell page, including this toned 1884-O Morgan Dollar, graded MS63.

The September 12, 2023, coin club regular meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured an illustrated talk by Eric H. on “A Selection of George Washington Pieces from the Early American Period.” There was also a show-and-tell, raffle and auction. Photos above: Washington Large Eagle Cent.

The August 8, 2023, coin club regular meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured a summer potluck picnic/dinner, with the club supplying the hamburgers and hot dogs. Thanks to Sterling for doing the grilling! There was also a nice show-and-tell, raffle and auction.

Carson City Mint (2023 photo)
Carson City Mint (2023 photo)

The July 11, 2023, coin club regular meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured trip reports, including Walter’s annual trip to ANA Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs, and Eric’s trip to Nevada, including especially Carson City, where the original U.S. Mint (photo above) is now part of the Nevada State Museum. Paul shared that he did submit answers to the National Coin Week Club Trivia Challenge but had one incorrect response.

The June 13, 2023, coin club regular meeting at Suntree Village in Bend was informal but included a decision of which candidates to vote for in the ANA Board of Governors election, along with limited photography of member items. The raffle included new items obtained from the coin shop, which will also keep us supplied for July and August. See the show & tell page for items shown and photographed, such as this 1931-S Buffalo Nickel.

The May 9, 2023, coin club regular meeting at Suntree Village in Bend was busy and included some discussion of the National Coin Week Club Trivia Challenge, but Paul was still unavailable to coordinate our responses.

The April 11, 2023, coin club regular meeting at Suntree Village in Bend was busy including several show-and-tell items, raffle and auction, however, the planned National Coin Week activity was postponed until May.

The March 21, 2023 (postponed) coin club regular meeting at Suntree Village in Bend included photography of member items, as well as other activities including a report on the ANA National Money Show in Phoenix, and the upcoming ANA National Coin Week in April. See the show & tell page for items shown and photographed, such as this 1965 SMS Roosevelt Dime.

The February 14, 2023, club meeting was informal, as the club president was unable to attend.

The January 10, 2023, club meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured Eric’s talk, “A picture gallery of U.S. colonial coins and tokens.” Photos above: An example of the famous 1652-dated Massachusetts Pine Tree Shilling.

Return to completed meetings page.