2022 Meetings and News
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Following an initial online meeting in January, the club returned to Suntree Village for the remainder of the year, deciding not to take a summer break.
See the 2022 Show & Tell page for more item photos and descriptions.
The December 13, 2022, club meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured our annual holiday party. Thanks to Sterling, his wife, and everyone else who brought food. The top raffle prize was an AU 1889 Morgan Silver Dollar.

The November 15, 2022, postponed club meeting at Suntree Village in Bend featured photography of member items, plus a report on a couple of recent articles in Numismatic News, including the publication’s 70th anniversary. See the show & tell page for items shown and photographed, such as this 1927 $2.50 gold coin.
The October 11, 2022, club meeting at Suntree Village in Bend had a “report on recent numismatic trips,” including to the ANA in Colorado Springs and the PNNA fall coin show in Tukwila, Washington.
The September 13, 2022, club meeting was an informal meeting at Suntree Village in Bend, in the president’s absence.

The club met at Suntree Village in Bend on August 9, 2022. There was additional photography of member items with the Kodak Ring Light. See the show & tell page for items shown and photographed, such as this 1955 Double Die cent and 1942/1 dime. Both coins are certified, and you can view the holders on the s & t page.
The club met at Suntree Village in Bend on July 12, 2022. The program was a report on the ANA Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs, plus a brief discussion of some featured coins in the current Heritage auction.
The club met at Suntree Village in Bend on June 14, 2022. The program was an expanded auction, in addition to the usual show-and-tell and raffle.

The club met at Suntree Village in Bend on May 10, 2022. There was a presentation by Eric of “Photography with a Kodak Ring Light.” See the show & tell page for items shown and photographed, such as this 1960 proof Franklin Half Dollar.
The club met at Suntree Village in Bend on April 12, 2022. There was a presentation of “An Introduction to Conder Tokens” prepared by Conder Token Collector’s Club (CTCC) member Paul Dofton, and given by Eric. Paul has shared this presentation on the CTCC website.
The club met at Suntree Village in Bend on March 8, 2022, its second in-person meeting since last August. There was no formal program, however, there was a raffle and several interesting show-and-tell items.
The club met at Suntree Village in Bend on February 8, 2022, its first in-person meeting since last August. There was no formal program, however, there was a raffle and a few show-and-tell items.
The club held an online meeting on January 11, 2022, with a few members in attendance, and some good discussion. Two more raffle prizes were awarded.
Return to completed meetings page.