2019 Meetings and News
Previous (2018) / 2019 / Next (2020)
See the downloadable programs page for PDF files of talks when available.
The BCCOCO continued to meet alternate months in Redmond and Bend in 2019, except as noted, on the 2nd Tuesday as begun in February 2016.
The December 10, 2019, club meeting was the annual Christmas/holiday party and potluck in Redmond. It was also the last meeting at the PatRick facility in Redmond, which will no longer be available to the club.

At the November 12, 2019, club meeting in Bend, former club president Ted Campbell (photo above) spoke about Morgan Dollars including the rare 1893-S, as well as other coins he has purchased on Great Collections, which offers auctions and direct sales.
The October 8, 2019, club meeting in Redmond featured a special auction, and club assistance in evaluating a group of coins brought to the meeting by a member of the local community.

The September 10, 2019, club meeting in Bend featured a report on summer activities, including Eric’s Apollo 11 medals exhibit at the ANA World’s Fair of Money® in Chicago/Rosemont, Ill., in August. Images of some of the Apollo 11 medals have been published by the PNNA – see 3rd Quarter 2019 16-page Washington State Fair edition of The Nor’wester.
The club did not meet in the summer months of July and August.
The June 11, 2019, club meeting was once again held in Bend. Eric gave a short talk on Apollo 11 medals and had more planned for September.
The May 14, 2019, club meeting was moved back to Bend, and featured a 10-question U.S. coin quiz, mostly based on information in the “Red Book.” Copies of the 2020 Red Book were available at the meeting.
The April 9, 2019, club meeting in Bend featured ANA National Coin Week and the ANA’s annual 15-question club trivia quiz. Paul will attempt to gather and submit all the correct answers! There was also the usual show & tell and auction.
The March meeting was moved due to possibility of other activities at the Redmond facility. The March 12, 2019, club meeting in Bend featured a brief preview of the PNNA spring convention in Tukwila, including especially the collector exhibiting and judging seminar in the numismatic theater. There was also the usual show & tell and auction.

The February 19, 2019, club meeting in Bend, postponed one week due to weather, featured a short, illustrated program given by Eric H. on “British Conder (not Condor!) Tokens,” along with the usual show & tell and auction.
The January 8, 2019, club meeting in Redmond featured a sale of some older numismatic books, the usual raffle and auction, and election of 2019 club officers.