2017 Meetings and News
Previous (2016) / 2017 / Next (2018)
See the downloadable programs page for PDF files of talks when available.
The BCCOCO continued to meet alternate months in Redmond and Bend in 2017, except as noted, on the 2nd Tuesday as begun in February 2016.
The December 12, 2017, club meeting in Redmond featured the annual Holiday/Christmas party, with good food and a special gold coin/jewelry prize! Harold also spoke about varieties of the 1870-1872 Indian Head Cents.

The November 14, 2017, club meeting in Bend featured a program on “U.S. Trade Tokens.” However, coins were also prominent during “Show & Tell,” with this 1806 Over 5 variety Quarter Dollar and 1808 Half Dollar as examples.
The meeting scheduled for October 10, 2017, in Redmond was unexpectedly cancelled due to use of the facility for firefighting purposes.

The September 12, 2017, club meeting in Bend featured reports on summer activities, including ANA Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs and the ANA anniversary convention in Denver. Prizes included two sets of total solar eclipse coins like shown here. These were offered by Mountain High Coins in Bend.
The club did not meet in the summer months of July and August.
The June 13, 2017, club meeting in Bend featured a review of some of the better “show & tell” items photographed in the past several years (2010 to 2017).

The May 9, 2017, club meeting in Redmond featured a talk on “Proper Use of 2×2’s” (the cardboard ones) by Howard K. Photos: Roman bronze coins in 2x2s!

The April 11, 2017, club meeting in Bend featured a brief program pertaining to the National Coin Week theme, “Conflict and Courage: Money and the Military.” Photo from Show & Tell: Perth Mint (Australia) 2017 Year of the Rooster coins.

The March 14, 2017, club meeting was held in Redmond, and featured the holiday party/potluck (postponed from December and renamed “Spring Equinox Celebration”); also, a display of World War II numismatics related to ANA National Coin Week, and club elections for 2017 officers. Photos: 1999 U.S. 1/10-ounce Gold Eagle as grand prize originally intended for December!

The February 21, 2017, club meeting (delayed one week to avoid Valentine’s Day) was held in Bend and featured “show & tell” items. Photo: Set of three colorized “Peanuts” Christmas medals.
The January 10, 2017, scheduled club meeting was postponed due to snowy conditions in Bend.