2016 Meetings and News
Previous (2015) / 2016 / Next (2017)
The BCCOCO met alternate months in Redmond and Bend in 2016, except as noted, and except for July and August. Meetings, which had been held on the 3rd Tuesday, moved to the 2nd Tuesday beginning in February 2016.
The December 13, 2016, scheduled club meeting (and holiday party) was postponed due to cold and icy conditions in Redmond.
The November 15, 2016, club meeting in Bend featured Collector Exhibit Seminar (highlights of a presentation originally developed for the 2015 Portland ANA show). A special members-only meeting was held in Redmond on Saturday, November 12, 2016.
The October 11, 2016, club meeting in Redmond featured reports on the PNNA/WCC coin show in Portland (Oct. 7-9), and a short coin quiz based on the article, “Dollars — North, Middle and South,” by Mark Benvenuto, which appeared in the 4th Quarter 2016 edition of The Nor’wester.

The September 13, 2016, club meeting at the new Bend location (Suntree Village) featured reports on summer activities including the ANA Anaheim convention in August. Photos from Show & Tell: one-ounce silver round commemorating the centennial of the three new 1916 U.S. coin designs, including the Walking Liberty Half Dollar.
The club did not meet in the summer months of July and August.
The June 14, 2016, club meeting in Bend featured some information about the upcoming ANA Anaheim convention (World’s Fair of Money) and related topics, including a planned collector exhibit of recent Olympic Participation Medals.

The May 10, 2016, club meeting in Redmond featured an expanded “Show & Tell.” Photos from Show & Tell: 1993 U.S. Mint restrike of World War II victory medal.
The April 12, 2016, club meeting in Bend featured a brief program pertaining to the National Coin Week theme, “Portraits of Liberty: Icon of Freedom.”
The March 8, 2016, club meeting in Redmond featured Paul speaking about “Smokey Bear Numismatic Items,” a talk which he also planned to give at the Smokey Bear association annual meeting in Idaho in April. Raffle prizes generously donated by Mountain High Coins included a 2016 U.S. Silver Eagle and a Peace Dollar belt buckle.
The February 9, 2016, club meeting in Bend featured a “World Coin Identification” slide program in which participants were asked to identify the country for 20 different world coins. (See the downloadable programs page for a PDF file of this talk.) Raffle prizes generously donated by Mountain High Coins included a 2016 U.S. Silver Eagle and a buffalo silver round.
The January 19, 2016, club meeting in Redmond featured a show-and-tell, an auction, and a couple of Boeing Employees’ Coin Club 1.5-ounce silver airplane medals as raffle prizes.