2013 Meetings and News
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Happy Holidays! Final 2013 club meeting! The final club meeting of the year, featuring the holiday party and election of officers for 2014, was held on Tuesday, December 17.
Reminder – Meeting Locations! Beginning January 2014, the BCCOCO meets alternate months in Redmond and Bend. All meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday unless otherwise announced. The new Redmond location for every other meeting has been announced. There are usually no club meetings in July or August.
The December 17, 2013, meeting was an outstanding finish to another outstanding year, featuring excellent food and excellent raffle prizes! Missed it? – Why not consider joining us in 2014.
There was a special club-members only meeting in Redmond on Saturday, November 16, 2013. Details were sent to club members. New members were welcome again in December.

At the October 15, 2013, meeting, Eric Holcomb spoke about “Remembering Neil Armstrong” including medals commemorating the first moon landing. Photos above: Apollo 11 first moon landing commemorative bronze medal by the Medallic Art Company (MACO). See downloadable programs from completed meetings.

At the September 17, 2013, meeting, Walter Troutman spoke about his interesting experiences at the ANA Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs, where he took the advanced class on coin grading and problem coins. Photos above: 1964 Kennedy Half, NGC MS 64 with Obverse Lamination mint error. Also see the photo of Walter giving a similar talk last year. The club did not meet in July or August.

At the June 18, 2013, meeting, club member Zohrab (“Z”) spoke to us about “Interesting Old Coins,” many of which were world and ancient coins such as the coin of Alexander the Great shown above.

At the May 21, 2013, meeting, Paul gave an illustrated presentation about “world coins depicting polar bears.” One unusual example from Canada is shown above. This is an excellent example of “topical” collecting!
At the April 16, 2013, meeting, Mike from Mountain High Coin in Bend hosted an interesting “question and answer” session. Despite recent turmoil in the bullion market, Mike noted that the collector market remains strong in most areas, and the just-completed PNNA convention was a big success.
At the March 19, 2013, meeting, former club president Ted Campbell returned to town (from Las Vegas!) and spoke to us about “Morgan Dollar VAM varieties.”
At the February 19, 2013, meeting, Eric Holcomb gave the second half of his program on “Olympic Participation Medals,” focusing on medals of the Winter Games.

The January 15, 2013, meeting featured some interesting discussion of world coins plus a show and tell, raffle and auction. We also now have volunteers to give our monthly educational programs through this June, the last meeting before summer break. Photos above: 2013 Year of the Snake two dollars silver coin from Niue, which is a dependent state of New Zealand. This item generously donated as a raffle prize at the January meeting by Mountain High Coin in Bend.