2012 Meetings and News
Previous (2011) / 2012 / Next (2013)
Happy Holidays and New Year! The club met in September-December 2012 and will meet again every month through next June (weather permitting during the winter months).
Meeting Location! The BCCOCO meets at the High Desert Community Grange (near the Bend airport), on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except July and August).

The December 18, 2012, meeting was an outstanding finish to an outstanding year, featuring excellent food and excellent raffle prizes! Missed it? – Why not consider joining us in 2013. Photos above: 2012 Australian “Year of the Dragon” one-ounce silver coin, and U.S. Silver Eagle with Christmas design, two of four items generously donated as raffle prizes by Mountain High Coin in Bend. Thank you very much!

The November 20, 2012, meeting featured a talk by Walter Troutman about ANA Summer Seminar, with Ted bringing some examples of toned Morgan dollars and other graded coins. Club officers for next year were also elected. Photos above: Walter giving talk (left) and club member group photo (right).

Additional show-and-tell items from November meeting: (above)
Top: 1794 Russian 5 Kopeks copper coin.
Bottom: 1797 British large copper penny depicting King George III.
Both of these large 18th Century copper coins are very popular with collectors today!
The October 16, 2012, meeting featured an informal introductory talk by Anthony about numismatic buying and selling on eBay. There was also photography of selected items plus the usual monthly raffle, which included a U.S. Silver Eagle.
The September 18, 2012, meeting featured an illustrated talk by Eric Holcomb on “Olympic Participation Medals of the Summer Games.”
The club does not meet in July or August.
The June 19, 2012, meeting featured a talk by Howard on “Sales Tax Tokens,” as used by various states from about the 1930s to 1950s.

The May 15, 2012, meeting was an introduction to the use of metal detectors by several club members including Club President Ted Campbell.
ANA National Coin Week, April 15-21, 2012. Theme: Change in Money: Cowries to Credit Cards. See the 2012 ANA Trivia Challenge. (How many of the 20 questions can you answer?)
The April 17, 2012, meeting featured a potluck and an interesting “show & tell” with photography of selected items plus a raffle.
The March 20, 2012, meeting featured a short quiz, announcements and other activities.
At the February 21, 2012, meeting, Eric Holcomb filled in with a short program on George Washington numismatic material. The originally scheduled program, an ANA video, was postponed. (Unfortunately, it also could not be shown in March and has been returned.)
January 17, 2012, meeting POSTPONED/CANCELLED due to weather conditions!