2011 Meetings and News
Previous (2010) / 2011 / Next (2012)
Happy New Year! We’ve concluded our 2011 meetings, and we’ll see you again soon!
Meeting Location! The BCCOCO meets at the High Desert Community Grange (near the Bend airport), on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except July and August).
The December 20, 2011, meeting featured a “show and tell,” auction and raffle, along with an interesting presentation by a club member about buying/selling coins at gun shows.

The November 15, 2011, meeting featured a chili feed, fundraising auction and nomination and election of club officers for 2012. Photos: Paul talks about Warman’s new “by the decade” coin albums, starting with “Coins of the 1960s;” 3rd anniversary cake.

The October 18, 2011, program was Walter Troutman speaking about his experiences at the ANA Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs. There was also photography of selected items plus a raffle. Photos above: 1938-D/D (repunched mintmark) Buffalo Nickel. 1944 Liberty Walking Half. Close-up of D/D mintmark.

The September 20, 2011, program was “An Introduction to Early American Coppers” by Bim Gander, president of the national EAC club, and now a local resident. Photo above: Bim giving his talk.
The June 21, 2011, meeting was an informal meeting with a potluck, cookout and an auction.
The May 17, 2011, meeting featured a Morgan Dollar grading program by Ted Campbell, a coin quiz and the usual raffle.

The April 19, 2011, program was “How to research a coin’s value” by Ted Campbell. There was also photography of selected items plus a raffle. Photos above: Mint State 1865 Indian Head Cent, but possibly not original luster.
The March 15, 2011, meeting featured a potluck dinner, informal gathering and a coin trivia contest.
February meeting POSTPONED/CANCELLED due to weather conditions!
The January 18, 2011, meeting was the club’s first meeting at the High Desert Community Grange, east of Bend. Although it’s an older building, the rent is very reasonable, and the atmosphere is friendly! There was a brief discussion of coin grading and other topics of interest. As always, cake and coffee were served!