2010 Meetings and News
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Welcome! A story about the club appeared in The Bulletin (Bend Bulletin) on October 2, 2010, based on interviews conducted on September 23, 2010. If you’re new to numismatics or the club, or just looking for more information, welcome … perhaps club members can help you learn more about what you’ve got, or help you enjoy collecting more.
New Website! This website was designed and published (in a different format than the current format) as of May 13, 2010. Please let Eric Holcomb know if you have suggestions, corrections, etc. We could use more club member content!
The December 16, 2010, meeting was the club’s last meeting at the Stone Lodge Retirement Center, whose management we thank for making a meeting room available to us. There was an auction and holiday party with cake and coffee!
High Desert Treasure Club Christmas Dinner (coin club invited), December 8, 2010, Bend Senior Center, 1600 SE Reed Market Rd in Bend. The program was a potluck dinner and gift exchange.

The November 18, 2010, meeting program was “Buying and Selling on eBay,” also a short exercise on coin grading and a cake to celebrate the club’s second anniversary! Club members had the opportunity to bring a limited number of items for auction, which were viewed in November and will be auctioned in December.
Photos above: 2nd anniversary cake, Ted displays the flag, and group photo.

The October 21, 2010, meeting program was “Wooden Nickels” with guest speaker Jim Wilson (shown in photo above).
The September 16, 2010, meeting featured “show & tell” items, including a contest for coins you find (for example in pocket change), as described by the club president. Coffee and cake were served!

The June 17, 2010, meeting featured photography of members’ “show & tell” items. We’ll be doing this again this fall, so bring something interesting to show! Photos (above) of some nice U.S. type coins shown in June: 1832 Bust Half Dime, 1876 Liberty Seated Quarter (with motto), 1912-D Barber Half.
Appraisal day at Stone Lodge, May 21, 2010. The club participated in a “Roadshow” style appraisal day on Friday afternoon. Thank you to those who participated. For more information about appraisal of numismatic items, contact the club and/or Mountain High Coins & Collectibles in Bend.
The May 20, 2010, meeting featured a Question-and-Answer session with Mike, owner of Mountain High Coins & Collectibles in Bend. It was quite informative. If you have more questions, you can visit his shop on 3rd Street (Business Hwy 97) just south of the underpass on the west side.
The April 15, 2010, meeting was a regular meeting of club members. Your webmaster was absent due to the annual PNNA convention in Washington State.
The March 18, 2010, meeting featured photography of members’ “show & tell” items.
At the February 18, 2010, meeting, Eric gave a presentation on “Morgan Dollars,” utilizing photos taken at the Tacoma-Lakewood Coin Club when he lived in Washington State. The presentation was revised and expanded and given again in January of 2024. See downloadable programs from completed meetings.