Mountain High Coins ad

Thanks to Mountain High Coins in Bend for their longtime support of our coin club. Many raffle prizes over the years have been donated or supplied at a discount.

Next meeting: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at Suntree Village.
See the calendar below for details and future scheduled meetings.

Hours: Regular club meetings: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. (Members may begin meeting in the clubhouse as early as 5:30 PM.) Business meetings: As announced, or 6:00 PM if preceding regular meeting. See below for location and directions.

Community room (clubhouse) at Suntree Village
1001 SE 15th St.
Bend, OR

The clubhouse is located at the south entrance to Suntree Village (South Suntree Drive), nearest to Reed Market Road. As you enter go up the hill and it is on your left; there’s a mailbox in front of it, and parking is available on both sides of the street.
From north (on SE 15th) – Go past the north Suntree entrance, then take the next right (before the roundabout at Reed Market).
From south (on SE 15th) – The south Suntree entrance is the next left turn after the roundabout at Reed Market. If you are coming on Highway 97 (either direction), take the Reed Market exit (to the east), then turn left at the roundabout onto SE 15th.

Events may occasionally be subject to changes or cancellations. Check this website the day of the event for any last-minute updates. Regional and national events are listed for the convenience of members who may wish to attend these events. See the linked websites for more information and updates, and make your travel plans well in advance. Contact us for more information about club events.

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected].
Phone: 541-647-1021 (Eric Holcomb).

History: Beginning September 2016, the Bend location is the community room (clubhouse) at Suntree Village, 1001 SE 15th St., Bend, OR. As of January 2014, the club alternated between Redmond and Bend meeting locations, except that both the June and September meetings were in Bend. The club followed the same arrangement in 2015 and 2016, except that 2016 meetings (February to October and December) were moved to the second Tuesday of the month. The second Tuesday is now the regular meeting night. Currently no Redmond location is available, so meetings are in Bend only.

Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise announced.

See completed meetings.

All monthly club meetings will include show-and-tell, raffle and auction, unless otherwise announced. Get the auction form. (Club members may place a limited number of items for auction to members and guests at most club meetings.)

JAN 14 (2025) – Coin club regular monthly meeting at Suntree Village in Bend. Program: Mat discussed cast counterfeit Morgan Dollars, including photos.

FEB 11 (2025) – Coin club regular monthly meeting at Suntree Village in Bend. Program to be announced; will likely include photography of member items.

MAR 11 (2025) – Coin club regular monthly meeting at Suntree Village in Bend. Program to be announced.

For other coin shows and numismatic events in the Pacific Northwest, including the fall Portland and Salem shows, see the PNNA calendar.

APR 11-13 PNNA Convention and Spring Coin Show, Tukwila Community Center, Tukwila, WA

APR 20-26 ANA National Coin Week – 102nd annual event! Theme: “Iconic Change: Pop Culture & Coins Unite!”

JUN 21-JUL 3 (in two main sessions) ANA Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs, CO

AUG 19-23 ANA World’s Fair of Money® – Oklahoma City Convention Center, Oklahoma City, OK

OCT (to be announced) PNNA Fall Coin Show – Tukwila Community Center, Tukwila, WA